The following documents can be downloaded as pdf files in either full-colour or black and white versions:
Newly Released Reports/Products

Biodiversity BC Poster Download PDF [3.2 MB]
Staying the Course, Staying Alive -- Coastal First Nations Fundamental Truths: Biodiversity, Stewardship and Sustainability
Taking Nature's Pulse DVD
- The DVD contains Biodiversity Atlas of B.C.; Taking Nature's
Pulse (TNP); TNP Summary Report; and, Ecological Concepts, Principles and Applications to Conservation.
- Available upon request -
Ecological Concepts, Principles and Applications to Conservation
- Download PDF [0.9MB]
Taking Nature's Pulse: The Status of Biodiversity in British Columbia
- View in HTML format
- Download PDF [17MB]
Taking Nature's Pulse: The Status of Biodiversity in British Columbia - Summary Report
- Download PDF [2.14MB]
Biodiversity Atlas of British Columbia
- Download PDF [32.5 MB]
Taking Nature's Pulse: Just the Major Findings (Insert from Spring 2009 Kingfisher Newsletter)
Component Reports:
- Biodiversity Safety Net Gap Analysis [PDF 437KB]
- Major Impacts to Biodiversity in British Columbia (excluding climate change) [PDF 245KB]
- An Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity Management in BC [PDF 653KB]
- Key Elements of Biodiversity in British Columbia: Some Examples from the Terrestrial and Freshwater Aquatic Realm [PDF 446KB]
- Special Elements of Biodiversity in BC [PDF 9MB]
- Anions BBC Global and Provincial Species Status.pdf [PDF - 157 KB]
- Bunnell et al Applying Global Responsibility for BC Species.pdf [PDF - 728 KB]
- Draft S Ranks and Surrogate G Ranks for BEC zones and Draft S Ranks for Ecoprovinces and Major Drainage Units of BC: Preliminary Rankings for Informing the Report on the Status of Biodiversity Strategy in BC [PDF 389KB]
- Species Richness and Summed Irreplaceability in BC [9.1MB]
- The Importance of Biodiversity to First Peoples in British Columbia [PDF 173KB]
- The Status of Genetic Biodiversity in British Columbia [PDF 437KB]
- Preliminary Analysis of BC Climate Trends for Biodiversity [PDF 2.9MB]
- Biodiversity: Geological History in British Columbia [PDF 185KB]
Presentations of Taking Nature's Pulse
- August 8, 2008 Presentation to IUFRO Conference on Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes (held in Kamloops). Presenter: Geoff Scudder download [PDF - 4629 KB]
- September 10 , 2008 Presentation to Forest Practices Board. Presenter: Marian Adair download [PDF - 9918 KB]
- September 26, 2008 Presentation to UBCM Convention Penticton. Presenter: Marian Adair download [PDF - 10937 KB]
- October 7, 2008 Presentation to The Nature Trust's Sustainability Series. Presenters: Geoff Scudder and Marian Adair download [PDF - 12993 KB]